Psychotherapy is widely promoted in the United States and is increasingly acknowledged as
important and effective care that is okay to talk about openly. But, each person's cultural
background, life experiences, socioeconomic background, and educational experiences still
shape their attitudes and perspectives on psychotherapy.
Among people with a Chinese cultural background, a common attitude is to think that mental
health counseling is only for those with severe mental illness, to think “I'm not sick, so why
would I need therapy?” This focus on the medical aspects of mental health care leads many
people to avoid therapy.
However, in reality, psychotherapy clients are not usually experiencing severe psychiatric
symptoms. More commonly, they are struggling with common life issues and suffering that
affects their daily functioning. We need to change the dichotomous mindset that says that we are either sick or well and that therapy is only for the sick. Therapy can help us understand ourselves better, build self-awareness, and achieve self-acceptance. Usually, the root of pain is refusing to accept who you are and becoming caught in conflicts and struggles. Psychotherapy is a practice that promotes self-improvement, insight, and growth.
We are all normal and fallible human beings, which means that all of us will run across situations that are hard to deal with or adjust to. For example, the stress of examinations, the
disappointment of grades, trouble focusing in class or at work, or relationships with parents,
friends, and romantic partners can be too much to handle alone. Often we can adapt using coping mechanisms we learned from our life experiences, from parents or elders, or from helpful books. However, when our coping methods fail to ease and address our issues and concerns, we may struggle with stress, distress, pain, anger, and grief. Therapy can help build resilience to manage these emotions and stressors.
Our deep and heavy pain often begins with the false belief that there is no choice, which is a type of human thinking error. Therapy can help us learn to reframe unhelpful thoughts like this and see a way forward. Instead of feeling stuck and off-track, you can learn skills to care for your own mental health.
As long as you are willing to take the first step of trying, you are opening a new path of caring
for yourself. People often argue that one must first love oneself to love others. It makes sense
because only when you realize how to care for yourself correctly; will you understand how to
care for and love those near you in a 'healthy' way.
Reach out today for a free consultation to see if therapy can help you cope better with stressors, care for yourself, and move forward in your life.
In addition, Bodhi will soon offer free workshops in an effort to give more interested U of I
students a safe, open space and valuable resources to learn about mental health and
从中国人的文化背景角度,人们普遍认为 — “我没有病,为什么要做心理治疗?”。国人认
恼的普通人。我们需要改变这种两分的思维模式,认为非健康,即病态, 从而更完善的
。这就是心理学中讲到的‘Resilience — 回弹力’。然而在我们的应对之法不能够舒缓和解
此外,Bodhi将于近期举办免费心理讲座,希望为更多感兴趣的 U of I 学生提供平台和有